Yesterday Bethesda held their E3 press briefing.They showed off DLC and other stuff related to old games, but of course they showed new footage of previously announced games and announced completely new games. They made a couple of Elder Scrools and Fallout related announcments.
First they announced Rage 2 with a roughly 13 minute concert with the new soundtrack. During the Rage 2 bit they playfully joked about the Walmart Canada leak. Rage 2 is Realecing Spring 2019.
Then they announced Doom: Eternal, touting twice as many demons. It is a sequal to the version of Doom that was realeced a few years ago. They will be giving more details at QuakeCon in August.
The n they announced Wolfenstien: Youngblood a postqual to Wolfenstien 2 in which you play as BJ’s twis dauhters. The game has co op. it looks intersting.
Then they showed off their new VR stuff. Prey Typhon Hunter, which is a new VR mode in Prey and Wolfenstien Cyberpilot which is a new Wolfenstien VR hacking Game (WatchDogs style).
Then they announced htat Fallout Shelter out now on PS4 and Switch and Elder Scrolls Legends is coning to all major consoles later this year
Then they wne into all the other Elder Scrolls announcments. They announced two DLCs for Elder Scrolls Online: Wolfhunter which has new dungeons focusing on werewolves and, Murkmire which is a return to Black Marsh. The last Elder Scrolls announcemt they made was Skyrim Very Special Edition which started out looking like them making fun of themselves for rerealecing Skyrim on so many platforms. In the trailer a man looks as all his game controllers then asks Alexa to play Skyrim, as it goes on he plays on many devices that make no sense(a smart fridge, a pager, and a Etch-A-Sketch etc.). But it was real (kind of) the Alexa skill does exist.
We’re almost at the end of the presentation. Now for proably one of the biggest announcments of the night, Fallout 76. The game takes place in West Virginia, 20 years after the war ended. You play as ine of the people form vault 76 the first vault to open, you are playing in a completly multiplayer setting and entirly online. Oh, and also there are usable nukes. The game launches on November 14th.
Lastly they made a vouple quick but major annoumcements. First, they announced a new IP called Starfield. It’s a space battle game, it looks like a decent but fun game. The final announcment of the night was the next Elder Scrolls game. They said that it’s in developmentbut thats it.