The event started with the usual stats talk. The first announcement was the newly redesigned Apple Watch Series 4. The breathe app is now a watch face. the watch now is rounded edged. the watch has a 64 bit processor. The S4 has fall detection within the healh app. They are also adding low heart rate detection, AFIB detection, and ECG. Comes in Sainless(gold, space black).
Next up iPhone. The rumors were right, the iPhone Xs and iPhone Xs Max. The Xs has a 5.5 inch screen and the Xs Max has 6.5 inch screen. There is a new 512GB storage configuration. Bethesda showed off Elder Scrolls Blade, the mobile full Elder’s rolls game announced at E3, conning this fall to IOS. Next a basketball skill improvement app with Steve Nash. The 3rd app is an AR arcade game app, Galiga AR. Now for the camera, telephoto on the back., HDR, long exposure. For the first time an iPhone has eSIM, and is dual SIM. Both will support Qi wireless charging. One More iPhone!!!!! The iPhone Xr it has lots of color options, IP67, edge-to-edge LCD. it doesn’t have 3D touch. Prices: Xr S749 preorder October 12. The Xs will start at $999 for 64GB and the Xs Max will start at $1099 for 64GB, shipping ion September 21.
Last updates: for Homepod airplay 2, search songs by lyrics, and ping to find. September 19. TVOS: Dolby. September 19. MacOS Mojave (see WWDC 2018 for more info): September 27.