Pokemon Ultra Sun And Ultra Moon: November 27th
PokeBall New 2DS XL: November 3rd
Mario & Luigi SuperStar Saga: October 5th
Yo-Kai Watch 2 Update:Tomorrow
Final Yo-Kai Watch 2: September 29th
Laytons Journey 3DS: January 19 2018
Minecraft: Today!!!!!!!!!!!! Eshop exclusive
Mario Party: The Top 100: November 1oth
Metroid Samus Returns: Friday
Apolio Justice: Ace Aturney: No date announced
orange and white New 2DS XL: October 6th
XenoBlade Chronicles 2: December 1
Splatoon 2 Update: Friday
Fire Emblem Wariers: October 20t
Morphies Law: this winter
Rocket Leauge:This Holiday
Areana Of Valour:Free beta coming this winter
Skyrim: November 17th
Doom:this holiday
Wolfenstien 2:2018
Nintendo: Arcade Classics: Super Mario:September 27
Octopath Traveler: 2018
Arms Version 3: Now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dragon Quest Builder: Spring 2018
Kirby Star Allies: Spring 2018
SteamWorldDig 2:
Golf Story: This Year
Nine Parchments: Holiday 2017
Battle Chef Brigade: This Year
Tiny Metal: Date Unannounced
Super Meat Boy Forever: 2018
Lost Sphear: January 23 201
Sonic Forces; November 7th
Resident Evil Revelations 1&2: November 28th
L.A. Noir: November
Super Mario Odasey: October 27th
Super Mario Odasey Amiibos: October 27th
Super Mario Odasey Switch Bundle: October 27th
If you want more from The Tech News Source follow the site on Twitter at @technewssoure and also follow Me on Twitter at @SamGreenwoodTNS. If you want to support The Tech news source goto patreon.com/thetechnewssource and soon PayPal.me/thetechnewssource. I eventually what to start a podcast so watch my twitter.